1.     Arkharov A.M., Savinov M.Yu., Bondarenko V.L., Kolpakov M.Yu.,  Vorotinchev V.B., Kazushik V.N./ Automated system of chromatographicanalysis during the industrial processing krypton-xenon mixture . // Chemical and Petroleum Engineering.  -2004-№1.-P.15-17  


2.     Arkharov A.M., Savinov M.Yu., Bondarenko V.L., Bronstein A.S./Investigation of  krypton and  xenon losses in purifier  blocks of   air separation plants  // Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. - 2004. -№ 1. -P. 23-24.


3.     Arkharov A.M., Savinov M.Yu., Bondarenko V.L., Bronstein A.S./Investigation of  krypton  and  xenon losses in rectifier blocks of  low-pressure air separation plants  // Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. - 2003. -№ 12. -P. 32-34.


4.     A.M.Arkharov, M.Yu.Savinov, V.L.Bondarenko, M.Yu.Kolpakov, V.B.Vorotyntsev. /Industrial plant for xenon extraction from tail streams of air-fractionating plants//Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. - 2004.- № 10.- P. 14-16.


5.     A.M.Arkharov, M.Yu.Savinov, V.L.Bondarenko, M.Yu.Kolpakov, V.B.Vorotyntsev. /Industrial plant for xenon extraction from tail streams of air-fractionating plants//Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. Vol. 40, Nos. 9-10, 2004, pages 595-599.


6.     A.M.Arkharov, M.Yu.Savinov, V.L.Bondarenko, M.Yu.Kolpakov, V.B.Vorotyntsev. /Adsorptive purifying of  the hexafluorethane admixtures  from xenon.// Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. - 2005.- № 8.- P. 24-26.


7.     A.M.Arkharov, M.Yu.Savinov, V.L.Bondarenko, M.Yu.Kolpakov, V.B.Vorotyntsev/ Adsorptive low –temperature purification of  the tetrafluormethane admixtures  from krypton.// Kholodilnaya Tekhnika.- 2005.- № 10.-P. 24-27.


8.     A.M.Arkharov, V.L.Bondarenko, M.Yu.Savinov,  M.Yu.Kolpakov./ Procedure of calculation of the gas-distributing camera of gas-static type pulsating cooling.// Vestnik  MSTU ,Special  issue «Cryogenic and refrigeration. Cryomedicine.». The series «Engineering»- 1996.  P. 62-66.


9.     Bondarenko V.L., Savinov M.Yu., Golubev А.А., Kapralov P.А., Rura V.N., Tikhonov А.V., Stupenko Т.V., Cheh Yu.А. / Experience of operating plant for obtaining  neon of the high purity . // Vestnik  MSTU ,Special  issue «Cryogenic and refrigeration. Cryomedicine.». The series «Engineering»- 1996.  P. 79-83.


10. A.M.Arkharov, V.L.Bondarenko, M.Yu.Savinov, M.Yu.Kolpakov./   Development of the engineering procedure of calculation of the gas-distributing camera of the pulsating cooling of static type gas.// Bauman MSTU Press. - №554.-1991.-P. 46-55.


11. A.M.Arkharov, V.L.Bondarenko,  M.Yu.Savinov , Simonenko Yu.M./   Industrial plant  for the complex purification of the fluorocarbons .// Kholodilnaya Tekhnika.- 2004.- № 10.-P. 8-10.


12. Bondarenko V.L., Losyakov N.P., Rura V.N., Simonenko Yu.M., Arkharov  А.М., Arkharov I.A., Purtov S.N., Savinov M.Yu., Kapralov P.A., Volinskiy B.I., Bronshtein А.S., Golubev А.А., Belov M.Yu., Grafov А.P./  Generation of new technology for the cryogenic production of neon and helium of the high purity. // Technical gases.-2001.- № 3.- P.37-44


13. A.M.Arkharov, V.L.Bondarenko,  M.Yu.Savinov , Simonenko Yu.M.,Cheh Yu.A.,Vigurzhinskaya C.Yu. / System of the deep enrichment of the neon concentrate .// Vestnik  MSTU ,Special  edition «Cryogenic and refrigeration. Air conditioning  and life support systems(LSS) . ». The series «Engineering»- 2005.-  P. 24-32.


14. Arkharov A.M., Arkharov I.A., Nikiforov Yu.V., Mikhaylov A.V., Savinov M.Yu., Bondarenko V.L. / Investigation  of the separation process of the Ne- He mixture on the quartz glass membrane. // Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. - 1999.- № 5.- P. 13-15.


15. A.M.Arkharov, V.L.Bondarenko, M.Yu.Savinov,  M.Yu.Kolpakov. / Prospects of increasing the efficiency of the cryogenic high pressure air separation plants of on the base of wave cryogenerators .// Bauman MSTU Press. - №534.-1989.-P. 17-43.


16. A.M.Arkharov, V.L.Bondarenko, A.A. Golubev, M.Yu.Savinov.  /Investigation  of paraboloid type wave cryogenerator // Bauman MSTU Press. - №522.-1988.-P. 3-12.


17. A.M.Arkharov, V.L.Bondarenko, V.I.Lipa, N.P.Losyakov,  M.Yu.Savinov. /Experimental investigation of the refrigeration effect on the Hartmann-Sprenger tube.// Cryogenic Engineering Conference, University of California. – Los Angeles (USA), 1989. - №1. – 1 p.



18. Savinov M.Yu. / Development and  investigation of the high pressure  cycles  with machine-free cryogenerators for increasing the effectiveness  of the small productivity air separation plants. Author's abstract of thesis to the competition of the scientific degree of Ph.D. //Bauman MSTU Press .- 1990. – 16 p.


19. Efremov V.N., Savinov M.Yu., Moiseev M.M., Solomatin G.I., Fyinshtein B.I., Golosman E.Z. / Catalytic oxidation of methane on the nickel-copper catalysts // Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. - 2001.- № 7.- P. 11-17.


20. Arkharov  А.М., Bondarenko V.L., Purtov S.N.,  Rura V.N.,  Savinov M.Yu., Kapralov P.A., Golubev A.A./ Experimental-industrial plant  for the production of  high purity neon. //  5-th Cryogenic Engineering Conference «Cryogenic- 98», Prague.-1998.-P.68-69.


21. Arkharov  А.М., Purtov C.N., Arkharov I.A., Bondarenko V.L.,  Rura V.N.,  Savinov M.Yu., Kapralov P.A., Golubev A.A , Volinskiy B.I./  Experimental-industrial plant  for the production of  high purity neon. // International Cryogenic Engineering Conference. – 1998.-c.735-737.


22. Bondarenko V.L., Arkharov  А.М., Savinov M.Yu ., Arkharov I.A.,  Simonenko Yu.M., Golubev А.А ., Belov M.Yu., Rura V.N., Losyakov N.P.,  Kapralov P.A., Volinskiy B.I./ Complex of new technology for the cryogenic production of  high purity neon and helium.// International Cryogenic Engineering Conference .”  Refrigeration  technique  in  Russia.  Condition  and perspective before ХХ1 century», Saint-Petersburg.-1998.-P.40-41.


23. Bondarenko V.L., Arkharov  А.М., Golubev А.А ., Kapralov P.A., Savinov M.Yu ., Simonenko Yu.M., Purtov S.N., Rura V.N., Volinskiy B.I / Experimental-industrial plant  for the production of  high purity neon. // 20th International Congress of refrigeration IIR, Sidney, Аustralia. – 1999.-P. 1-4.


24. Arkharov А.М., Savinov M.Yu ., Bondarenko V.L., Bronshtein A.S./Investigation  of the process of the mixture separation of xenon, krypton and Freon -14 in the adapter column.// 20th International Congress of refrigeration IIR, Sidney, Аustralia. – 1999.-P. 5.


25. Arkharov  А.М., Arkharov I.A., Purtov S.N., Bondarenko V.L., Losyakov N.P., Rura V.N., Simonenko Yu.M., Savinov M.Yu., Kapralov P.A., Volinskiy B.I., Bronshtein А.S., Golubev А.А., Belov M.Yu., Grafov А.P./  Generation of new technology for the cryogenic production of neon and helium of the high purity. // Refrigeration technique  and  technology . – 1999. Issue 62.-P.88-101.


26. Arkharov  А.М., Arkharov I.A., Purtov S.N., Bondarenko V.L., Losyakov N.P.,  Simonenko Yu.M., Savinov M.Yu., Kapralov P.A., Volinskiy B.I./ Separation of neon-helium mixture by adsorption and freezing. // Aiches  2000 Spring National Meeting, March 5-9, Atlanta, Georgia. – P.71-79.


27. Arkharov  А.М., Arkharov I.A., Purtov S.N., Bondarenko V.L., Losyakov N.P., Rura V.N., Simonenko Yu.M., Savinov M.Yu., Kapralov P.A., Volinskiy B.I., Bronshtein А.S., Golubev А.А., Belov M.Yu., Grafov А.P./ New technology for obtaining of  high purity neon and helium.  // Kholodilnaya Tekhnika.- 2000.- № 6.-P. 14-17.

28. Arkharov  А.М., Bondarenko V.L., Losyakov N.P., Simonenko Yu.M., Savinov M.Yu., Kapralov P.A., Volinskiy B.I./ Plant  for the isolation krypton-xenon  mixture from the blow-off of ammonium production.//  Proc. 6th International  Conference “Cryogenics -2000”, Prague.-P.122-125.


29. Bondarenko V.L., Arkharov  А.М., Savinov M.Yu ., Simonenko Yu.M.,  Losyakov N.P., Volinskiy B.I. / Wave cryogenerators in the systems of purifying Ne- He mixture.  // Proc.  7th International  ConferenceCryogenics -2002”, Prague.-P.103-107.


30. Simonenko Yu.M., Podgorniy A.V., Bondarenko V.L., Savinov M.Yu./ Extraction Kr and Xe from the multicomponent mixture by the freezing out method .// Proc.  7th International  ConferenceCryogenics -2002”, Prague.-P.120-123.


31. Simonenko Yu.M., Bondarenko V.L., Savinov M.Yu. / Industrial plant for the complex purifying of the Freon -14 . // Proc.  7th International  Conference “Cryogenics -2002”, Prague.-P.187-189.


32. A.M.Arkharov, V.L.Bondarenko, M.Yu.Savinov, Simonenko Yu.M.,  Losyakov N.P., Volinskiy B.I./  Wave cryogenerators in the systems of cleaning Ne- He the mixture . // Vestnik  MSTU ,Special  edition «Cryogenic and refrigeration. Air conditioning  and the life support systems(LSS) .». The series «Engineering»- 2002. -  P. 4-9.


33. Simonenko Yu.M., Podgorniy A.V., Bondarenko V.L., Savinov M.Yu./   Extraction Kr and Xe from the multicomponent mixtures by the freezing out method.//  Vestnik  MSTU ,Special  edition «Cryogenic and refrigeration. Air conditioning  and  life support systems(LSS) .». The series «Engineering»- 2002.-  P. 10-14.


34. A.M.Arkharov, V.L.Bondarenko, Yu.M.Simonenko , M.Yu.Savinov. // Industrial plant for the complex purifying of the Freon -14 . // Vestnik  MSTU ,Special  edition «Cryogenic and refrigeration. Air conditioning  and life support systems(LSS) .» The series «Engineering»- 2002.-  P. 14-17.


35. Arkharov  А.М.,Bondarenko V.L., Arkharov I.A., Savinov M.Yu ., Volinskiy B.I., Simonenko Yu.M., Rura V.N., Losyakov N.P./ Highly productive technologies of obtaining neon and helium from atmospheric air.// 21st International Congress of refrigeration, Washington, DC USA. – 2003.


36.  Arkharov  А.М., Savinov M.Yu ., Bondarenko V.L., Bronshtein А.S./ Investigation of the hydraulic and mass-exchange characteristics of rectifying column with the spiral- prismatic cap in the processes of cleaning krypton and xenon.// Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. - 2003. -№ 10. -P. 21-23.


37.  Arkharov  А.М., Bondarenko V.L.,  Simonenko Yu.M., Dyachenko O.V.,  Savinov M.Yu ., Volinskiy B.I./ System of the deep cleaning of neon concentrate. // Proc. 8th International  Conference “Cryogenics -2004”, Prague.-P.167-174.


38. Arkharov  А.М., Arkharov  I.A., Bondarenko V.L., Simonenko Yu.M., Savinov M.Yu ., Bronshtein А.S./ Nontraditional technologies of obtaining the concentrates of the isotope of 20Ne. // Proc. 8th International  Conference “Cryogenics -2004”, Prague.-P.175-183.


39. Arkharov  А.М., Bondarenko V.L., Simonenko Yu.M., Savinov M.Yu ., Volinskiy B.I .,Podgorniy A.V./ Improvement of processes and plants for the extraction of krypton and xenon from the multicomponent mixtures.// Technical gases.- 2004.- № 3. P.27-37.


40. Arkharov  I.А., Bondarenko V.L., Borisov B.P., et al./ Heat engineering.  Edited by  Arkharov  А.М.,  Afanasyev V.N.//  Bauman  MSTU  Press. -2004.-712p.


41. Arkharov  А.М., Bondarenko V.L., Savinov M.Yu ., Simonenko Yu.M., / Industrial plants for the complex cleaning of the fluorocarbons.  // Kholodilnaya Tekhnika.- 2004.- № 10.-P. 8-10


42. Bondarenko V.L., Losyakov N.P, Savinov M.Yu ., Volinskiy B.I.,Bronshtein А.S., Pozdnyak V.E./